Farewell Robin Williams, You’re Free!

Robin-Williams Quote GWH

Source: Peggy Sirota

The above mentioned statement was made by Robin Williams’ character, Sean in Good Will Hunting, where he played a inspiring therapist for Matt Damon’s aloof blue collar worker, Will who has a hidden talent in math. In the movie, Sean is seen playing the role of mentor towards Will whom at that point of life, just felt lost and has given up in trying for everything e.g. relationship, work etc. I’ll be honest here, I can’t remember the exact details of the movie (thus am going to watch it soon again!) but the lessons taught in the movie, aren’t preached to the audience. Rather, the movie allowed the audience to figure out amongst the squabbling between the faulty characters.

Good Will Hunting is one film that struck me very strongly alongside with Aladdin (Genie!), Flubber (Little Green Thing!) and Patch Adams. The last movie even moved me to tears in certain scenes. But Sir Robin had even more memorable roles in films such as Mrs Doubtfire, Good Morning, Vietnam etc. Among so many multiple and versatile roles that he has played, you would have definitely caught at least one of his films before.

That is why, I am heartbroken together with so many others when our little earth space has lost a bright spark just a few moments ago. Sir Robin was sadly found dead with a suspected case of suicide and the circumstances made it even more mournful.

Quoted from Channel News Asia

LOS ANGELES: Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams died from suspected suicide on Monday (Aug 11) after a battle with depression, triggering an outpouring of anguished tributes to one of the most beloved entertainers of his generation……

A statement from Marin County Sheriff’s Department said Williams’ death appeared to be “suicide due to asphyxia.” The veteran actor’s publicist said the funnyman had been suffering from depression prior to his death, and Williams had spoken openly in the past about his battles with alcoholism and drug abuse. “Robin Williams passed away this morning. He has been battling severe depression of late,” Mara Buxbaum said in a statement. “This is a tragic and sudden loss. The family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time.”


Indeed, this is a piece of difficult and tragic news for us to take it. As someone so beloved and talented, Williams has took us to a journey through the hilarious and to the depths of seriousness which warrants us to revaluate our own lives. Nevertheless, the fact that he shared his gift of acting and storytelling to the world and brought pure joy to everyone. Furthermore, celebrities and actors alike are mourning for the loss of Robin Williams, especially those who managed to work alongside with him.

How then, would someone so beloved and gifted in sending laughters have such a tragic ending for himself? Currently, investigations are still on-going (similar timeline on my article on Lance Armstrong dope case), and Williams himself is known to be suffering from depression and this is largely attributed to be the main cause of death as of now. Without going too deep into the issue of depression, we understand it as a severe state of low mood which would affect in almost all part of our lives. Depression is very real to us as according to some studies (http://www.healthline.com/health/depression/statistics-infographic), 1 in 10 Americans was found to be suffering from it. It prevents people from leading a comfortable and happy life although they themselves would very well desire to do so. This is no known direct cure to such illness and drugs can only curb and control the situation so much. Perhaps this is the time to advance to the next stage of accepting depression as something very real around us and that there should be no shame in admitting the diagnosis of depression. Others can also do their part by urging the need to respect people who have a condition of depression and gradually helping them seek treatment. Comedian Jason Manford summed it very nicely by saying,

Just because you’re struggling, doesn’t mean you’re falling.

The world needs you even if you don’t think it does. I promise, we need you here, now.

Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/jason-manford-urges-people-seek-4038706#ixzz3AASm0tdO We are never alone and the whole world should know it! It is the time to make a difference for our fellow beings. I sincerely believe Sir Robin, if he is up there looking down at us, would want everyone to push forward and persevere. You are the captain of your own ship. Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 5.25.18 pm


Robin Williams

1951 – 2014

Place of Web Documentary in Journalism?

“Once inside, the user enters the life of a high-rise resident through first-person storytelling and thousands of images.” Katerina Cizek

Journalism is perceived by some to be dry, one-sided and most of the time to try to be as politically correct by adhering to certain guidelines laid out to the respective broadcast media station.

If a picture does indeed paint a thousand words, how many does a video or even a interactive online documentary? In the article “When Community and Journalism Converge”, the author Cizek talks about her work entitled “Out My Window” where users get to choose to listen from different high-rise residents about community. What constitutes a community, and what may or may not be the right way to identify with the issue.

City Planning has long been associated by a job mainly done by the local government, the people above. It is an intensive area of research in terms of urban economics and political science. They who are equipped with the knowledge know best of what should be done, listing the objectives and finding the measures to go about with the planning. This was traditionally done in a top-down approach, they say and we listen and see what they have in mind to implement.

But times have changed together with circumstances, and history has shown it is not always easy (increasingly harder) and even impossible at times to find a solution that pleases the masses in terms of city planning. Voices have to be heard, and by documenting the voices and actions of the people, media has the power to shine light into the case especially for the government to see. What does the people want? What does the people need? What should truly be done?

But times have changed together with circumstances, and history has shown it is not always easy (increasingly harder) and even impossible at times to find a solution that pleases the masses in terms of city planning. Voices have to be heard, and by documenting the voices and actions of the people, media has the power to shine light into the case especially for the government to see. What does the people want? What does the people need? What should truly be done?

Hence we should be careful to acknowledge the limitations that this form of news have to provide for the masses. The takeaway information for different varies drastically according to the understanding of the art, unlike if we compare it to traditional newspaper article. The latter drafts information in a linear manner which we would probably have a more systematic understanding of the issue. To acknowledge the shortfalls is part of a success of the news media as it wouldn’t strive to do more than what it can’t manage to do. The documentary is considered more as an art piece than a traditional news piece. It would serve to provide voices to people, allows others to ponder and hopefully inspires them to reach out and make a difference. We definitely shouldn’t eliminate such essential media platform as the age of social media is currently sweeping us off your feet.

To quote Elbert Hubbard “Art is not a thing; it is a way.”

Biscuit A’more

Founded more than 10 years ago, Mdm Lee (in light pink) has been diligently opening her stall everyday at 7am and serving customers at Clementi Market till evenings.

Staple and comfort foods like biscuits, sweets and coffee and many others are gathered from suppliers from all over the world. Customers usually stream in during lunch hours from nearby offices and during evening periods when workers. Her assistant (in dark pink) was seen serving the customer and busy searching the desired goods at the back of the stall. Mdm Lee’s husband helps to restocks the goods usually on Mondays and occasionally ‘volunteers’ to help out at the stall afterwards.

Biscuits and Coffee do go hand in hand, at least when referring to the older generations. It was and still is their staple choice of food and beverage. Newer generations looked for something else noted Mdm Lee. They love the variety of biscuits and sour plums offered. To them, those food like soda crackers represent novelty and fills them up with childhood nostalgia. At the other end of spectrum, the newer products or those not-yet-tasted provides customers a chance to try something new. Although more of the time, Mdm Lee commented that traditional biscuits are the hottest-selling ones.

In reality, this is not an easy business to conduct. The owner herself admitted that she had her fair share of challenges. Common problems include rising food prices affecting profit margins, hard to manage customers with difficult requests and nearby competitors offering prices below acceptable levels.
All in all, these are generic problems facing by a small-sized shop selling staple food. Nevertheless, Mdm Lee finds comfort in selling goods that she trusts and enjoys the interaction with the customers; those hard to miss aunties and uncles.

Narrate myself in 6 words

Ernest Hemingway did his best work in 6 words according to him.

I’m trying this out myself.

“Woke up. Check Time. I Snooze.”

Paralympics 2012 & Oscar Pistorius; The Bright Dream

“You’re not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have.”

― Oscar Pistorius

This season I guess most of us are indeed occupied with the Olympics which is held once in 4 years and in London this time round. It is definitely exciting to witness such a grand sporting event even if it’s through a tiny tv set (Kudos if you got tickets to get to watch it live!!). Personally since I’m residing in Asia (GMT+8), the time differences meant that I had to catch the events at ungodly hours ie.1am-6am. Nevertheless, it was a blast staying up late to do so. Heck with the restless mornings!

Fast-forward the wins (or loss) of various sports megastars that happened in Olympics 2012; Phelps vs Lochte, Roger Federer, Usain Bolt, USA Female Gymnastics Team, Tom Daley, Singapore’s Female Table Tennis team and of course Oscar Pistorius.

He has been given many names: The Blade Runner or The Fastest Guy on the Planet without any Legs etc. A 25 year old South African sprint runner who runs with prosthetic limbs and has been joining the Paralympics since 2004.

However in year 2012, the Olympics Officials decided to include Pistorius into the South African 4x100m rally after the team qualified for the timings as well as Individual 400m race. This was massive!

I have so much respect for this guy and apparently so does the crowd in London as cheers roared with such intense as the announcer introduced Pistorius before the start of the race. He will genuinely smiled upon this as he takes a break from hopping on his “legs”, and waves to the crowd. At the back of most people’s minds, I honestly believe admist scepticism for runners with artificial limbs able to compete with world class runners, most of us secretly prayed for Oscar to be the first to cross that line. Honestly can anyone truly imagine how much pain he had to endure in order to train himself to this golden standard?

At last, it was not meant to be. Pistorius finished last in the Individual 400m race and 8th out of 9 teams for the Team 4x100m relay. Damn!

However, I would not label that as a horrible ending for Oscar Pistorius. Because ultimately he ran, he rised up, and he conquered in many other ways. He was the first amputee runner to compete in a Summer Olympics. He brought  more entertainment and joy to people’s lives but simply competing. And furthermore, he gave so much more hope for people with disabilities.

By standing at that stage, fighting for a spot is a victory by itself. Oscar Pistorius is proclaiming to the whole world that “Hey! I’ve no legs but that does not make me different in other ways! I can still continue fighting for what I want.”

From the pictures we are a step forward to not differentiate people that are different. From now onwards, perhaps we may care less about people who are born different and just treat them as equals.

Grenada’s Kirani James who won the race congratulated him and even swapped tags with Pistorius, certifying that the Olympics is not about winning and more about celebrating human life and its adversity. A champion is defined who has surpassed all his rivals in a competition AND also acknowledges that competition is never ending and everyone has their own race to run.

We see people who are different in our lives, but do we at the midst of our hectic schedules, stop and acknowledge those we are different or with disabilities? Are we as humans  contributing enough to those who are less fortunate and caring for them?

Blade Runner and Ellie Challis, 5 year old challenged each other on their bionic feet

How awesome is this photo? No words are needed.

Already Pistorius is giving hope to little Ellie by being her role model and to amputees all over the world that life doesn’t necessary ends when it’s a pain to even take one single step.

In all honesty, personally I can never feel what it is like to be a child whose legs hurt every single time I limp out to the playground. It’s massively difficult for me to climb and do vigorous sports and probably I will injure myself very frequently.

For me, inspirational stories like Oscar Pistorius are a refreshing addition to the new much unlike many recent depressing news which stacks up doubts and fear. Of course this is not to deny the huge accomplishments of many other Olympians and athletes. They are champions in their own ways and definitely excel in what they do best.

What is important is that we need role models. It can be anyone, it can be your mum or dad or Oscar Pistorius in this case. Whoever s/he is, can we be inspired to persevere and give it our all. Ultimately Pierre de Coubertin (Founder of Modern Olympics) sought to seek international understanding through sporting competition. To build thy bridges to seek more knowledge and understanding.

Thanks for reading! Comments much appreciated.

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